Symptoms Explained: What is PTSD?
I want to take a moment to explain PTSD because the diagnosis gets thrown around a lot in our culture. While you may have heard the terms “triggered” or “PTSD” used often in casual conversation, know that this is a debilitating diagnosis when left untreated. I’ve trained students and peers to treat the diagnosis of PTSD, and have dedicated the majority of my career to helping those affected.
When I sat down to write about self-care, a recent conversation came to mind. Someone asked me, “Kate, how do you do it?”. The ‘it’ being providing therapy to folks multiple days per week. They wondered if I felt burned out or overburdened. I don’t. And, I let them in on a simple but profound tip; I have a self-care routine.
Tips for Managing Holiday Stress & Triggers
The holidays are known as a time of great celebration, time with family, time off work, and provide many ways to engage in Hygge traditions (Danish Term - check it out!). However, for a great many of us, the holidays can also bring immense stress, grief, and may feel triggering.
Sleep Hygiene: What Is It & Why Do We Need It?
Let me introduce you to a fancy new therapy term that you can use at parties! The concept is called ‘Sleep Hygiene’. Ever since I’ve learned about this, I’ve been obsessed.
Welcome & Introductions!
Hi there and welcome to Safe Space Therapies! I’m so excited that you’re here. I’d like to spend a little time introducing myself in a less formal way. Part of the reason for this is to help you get to know me and my practice.